MIRA Coalition, 2024-2025 Advocacy Priorities 

Tier One

  1. Protection from Immigration Enforcement – MIRA is advocating for policies and legislation that disentangle state and local police, courts, and correctional facilities from federal immigration enforcement, including through passage of the Safe Communities Act.  
  2. Advocating For Funding For Immigration Legal Services – MIRA Coalition will advocate for federal, state and local funding to provide legal services for immigrants in deportation proceedings through budget advocacy and support of relevant bills.  Immigrant Legal Defense Act
  3. Dignity Not Deportations – MIRA Coalition is advocating with partners for this bill to prohibit Massachusetts entities from voluntarily renting beds to ICE or donating time and volunteering state resources to ICE

Tier Two

  1. Mental Health – MIRA will be engaging in communities to discuss barriers to mental health access, identify gaps for advocacy and then build a campaign to address gaps.  
  2. Housing – MIRA will be listening and learning about opportunities to join in existing campaigns around affordable and accessible housing for immigrant communities.  
  3. Physician Pathway Act implementation – MIRA will advocate for a strong implementation to ensure this pathway is available for all eligible internationally trained physicians.  
  4. Cover All Kids – This bill would expand comprehensive MassHealth coverage to children whose only barrier to eligibility is their immigration status.  
  5. Language Access And Inclusion Act – This bill would ensure that state agencies provide information and services in the languages spoken by our diverse residents.  

Tier Three 

  1. Earned Income Tax Credit – This campaign would extend eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit to immigrants using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs).  
  2. Budget Advocacy For ESOL Funds And Citizenship Services – MIRA advocates with partners for state funding for citizenship services and ESOL services.   
  3. Worker’s Rights – MIRA supports the Wage Theft bill and Injured Worker’s bill to protect the rights of immigrant workers.   
  4. Health Equity Compact – MIRA supports the Health Equity Compact to ensure equity.