Our Vision, Mission and Values
A letter from our Executive Director, Liz Sweet
One in six Massachusetts residents, and one in five workers, is foreign-born. Immigrants and refugees come to this country with a wide range of skills and ambitions, and as they make America their home, they enrich our social fabric and strengthen our democracy.

Our vision is a Commonwealth – and a nation – where all can thrive, no matter where they came from or how they got here, and all can fully participate in their community’s social, economic, and civic life.
- Nuestra visión es que tengamos una comunidad, y una nación, donde todos puedan prosperar, sin importar de dónde vinieron ni cómo llegaron aquí, y donde todos puedan participar plenamente en la vida social, económica y cívica de sus comunidades.
- Nossa visão é um estado – e uma nação – onde todos possam prosperar, não importa de onde venham ou como chegaram aqui, e todos possam participar plenamente da vida social, econômica e cívica de suas comunidades.
MIRA Coalition’s mission is to convene, serve, and organize together with our members, community leaders, and allies for the advancement of all immigrants across the Commonwealth and beyond. MIRA Coalition places immigrant and refugee voices at the forefront to advocate for the well-being of our communities.
- La misión de la Coalición MIRA es convocar, servir y organizarnos junto con nuestros miembros, líderes comunitarios y aliados, para el avance de todos los inmigrantes en toda la Mancomunidad y más allá. La Coalición MIRA pone en primer plano las voces de los inmigrantes y refugiados, para abogar por el bienestar de nuestras comunidades.
- A missão da MIRA Coalition é convocar, servir e organizar, junto com seus membros, líderes comunitários e aliados, para o avanço de todos os imigrantes em todo o estado e além. A MIRA Coalition coloca as vozes dos imigrantes e refugiados em primeiro plano para defender o bem-estar de nossas comunidades.
Values: (Para español y Português)
- Immigrant and refugee centered: MIRA Coalition ensures that immigrant and refugee voices are at the forefront and are guided by those most impacted by the issues. Our work is only possible through collaboration and contribution from the coalition membership and the community.
- Inclusion: Centering equity and inclusion for all means a commitment to anti-racism work and respect for all individuals regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or immigration status. MIRA Coalition believes that the diverse cultural heritage, languages, traditions, and origins of our staff, board, members, and communities make us stronger.
- Collaboration: MIRA Coalition’s power comes from our broad membership. We partner with organizations, policymakers, supporters, and other stakeholders to advance our mission.
- Capacity Building: MIRA Coalition supports our immigrant and refugee communities with resources and training so we can create change.
We look forward to realizing our new mission, vision, and values in partnership with all of you.