NAIP is no longer accepting host site applications for 2024-2025.

Host Site Application Deadline: March 25, 2024.

Download a word version of these instructions and application questions.

Part 1: Overview, Eligibility, Benefits & Requirements

The New American Integration Program (NAIP) aims to increase community organizations’ capacity to support immigrant integration across our Commonwealth while also building a multicultural leadership pipeline of skilled and passionate providers, educators, interpreters and leaders. Up to 35 AmeriCorps members join in this mission every year to provide direct service to their host sites through an integrated service model that includes instruction in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), job readiness training, and assistance with the citizenship process.


NAIP receives fiscal, in-kind and technical support from the following partners:

  • The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) has administered the New American Integration Program since its creation in 2011. MIRA is the largest coalition in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees through education and training, institutional organizing, and policy analysis and advocacy.
  • English for New Bostonians (ENB) has provided additional support and expertise to NAIP since 2011. ENB creates opportunities for immigrants to learn English through activist grantmaking and community and policy research for English learning language programs, policymakers, funders and employers.
  • The Massachusetts Service Alliance (MSA), established in 1991, is a private, nonprofit organization that serves as the state commission for AmeriCorps State and other programs related to volunteerism and service.
  • AmeriCorps (formerly known as CNCS) is a federal agency that serves as the nation’s largest grant maker for service and volunteering, engaging 75,000 AmeriCorps members to serve through 21,000+ schools, nonprofits, and community and faith-based organizations across the country every year.

Host Site Requirements and Responsibilities

Organization Eligibility: Organizations can apply to host one or more NAIP members. A total of 35 AmeriCorps service positions are available to organizations that meet the following minimum requirements:

  • A non-profit 501(c)3 organization, school, or government agency operating in Massachusetts;
  • Able to pay a non-federal cash match between $11,000 – $14,000 (see sliding scale below) for each member that is successfully placed at their organization;
  • Capacity to designate at least one full-time staff member to lead the recruitment and selection of an AmeriCorps member (May-August), and provide daily supervision and direction while the member is serving (September-July);

NAIP Service Requirements: The host site’s proposed service responsibilities for the NAIP member must meet the following requirements:

  • Focus primarily on providing direct service to adults in ESOL instruction, job readiness training, and/or citizenship assistance (read more about core service areas below);
  • Include at least 80% direct services to individuals, groups or communities; and no more than 20% indirect service activities (e.g. outreach, partnership building, marketing etc.);
  • Have an appropriate level of responsibility for the member to be able to complete 1700 hours of full-time service over the entire eleven-month service term, beginning in September until the end of July (this includes coordination with the member about their participation in mandatory and optional training opportunities through NAIP);
  • Comply with AmeriCorps policies and prohibited activities.

NAIP members cannot:

  • Displace a current employee or serve in a regular staff position
  • Be involved with political advocacy, religious instruction, voter registration, fundraising for host site match/operating expenses, writing federal grants, union organizing, or clerical activities (members can perform limited administrative and fundraising duties necessary to their project)
  • Supervise other AmeriCorps members (training is allowed);
  • Receive additional income (outside NAIP stipend) for service hours from their host sites.

Host Site Responsibilities: Selected host sites will designate one full-time staff member to become the NAIP member’s supervisor who will be accountable to the following:

  • Lead in the recruitment and selection process through outreach to the local community, posting the NAIP position and interviewing NAIP applicants from May until August, or until the position is filled;
  • Provide day-to-day supervision and weekly 1-on-1 check-ins to the NAIP member, investing in their professional development through ongoing coaching, mentoring, feedback and support;
  • Ensure the NAIP member has all resources necessary to successfully provide direct service to the community as soon as they begin their service year;
  • Ensure adequate workspace for the NAIP member at the host site, including access to a desk, phone, computer, office supplies. If in-person service is not possible due to COVID-19, the host site should be prepared to support the member in accessing appropriate equipment, databases, and online systems for the time that they are serving at home;
  • Attend three mandatory meetings with other supervisors throughout the year;
    Complete performance evaluations and meet with NAIP staff for two site visits to address host site needs and evaluate NAIP member’s progress;
  • Approve NAIP member’s weekly timesheets and support the member’s monthly submission of a client log to track outputs and outcomes related to ESOL, citizenship, and job readiness;
  • Coordinate with the NAIP member to ensure their attendance at all mandatory NAIP meetings and training outside of host site service.

Partnership Benefits

To contribute to the success of each NAIP AmeriCorps member and their host site, NAIP commits to provide the following:

  • Assistance in the recruitment and selection of a full-time (~40 hours/week) NAIP AmeriCorps member to serve for 11 months from September until end of July (please note that most NAIP members will not have full-time availability until mid-October, after TESOL training is complete);
  • In-service orientation at the beginning of September (mandatory for all NAIP members) and 120-hour certificate training in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, from September until mid-October (please note that although TESOL training is optional for NAIP members, the host site must accommodate any member who wishes to participate before starting at the site);
  • Monthly meetings for NAIP AmeriCorps members to reflect on their service and receive additional training and professional development;
  • An opportunity to connect and share resources with other immigrant- and refugee-serving organizations throughout Massachusetts;
  • Administration of AmeriCorps member benefits: $20,000 annual stipend administered biweekly, $6,345 post-service education award and forbearance on qualifying student loans, health insurance coverage, childcare assistance, ongoing professional development & training opportunities, and up to $90 reimbursement for monthly travel/virtual allowance.

Non-Federal Cash Match Contribution

The non-federal cash match amount for each host site is determined according to the guidelines below. To determine your match amount, the budget of the entire organization should be used according to your most recent organizational audit or IRS Form 990.

Total operating budget of host site Host Site Match (per member)
$300,000 or less $11,000.00
$300,001-$500,000 $12,000.00
$500,001-$1,000,000 $13,000.00
$1,000,0001+ $14,000.00


If your organization is unable to pay the amount listed above, you may request financial support in your application. Requests will be considered based on compelling need, strength of the application, and availability of funds. This may also include smaller departments that are operating within a larger organization, or other barriers that would prevent your organization from paying the full amount.

Application and Program Timeline

March 4, 2024: Host Site Application posted

Mar 11, 2024: Intent to apply due (not required, but strongly recommended)

Mar 25, 2024: Applications due

Apr 1, 2024:  Member application posted

Apr 15, 2024: Host sites selected and notified

May-August 2024: Host sites interviews candidates in a rolling basis until all the positions are filled

Sep 7 – Oct 7, 2024: AmeriCorps member orientation & TESOL training

Oct 11, 2024: Members begin full-time service at host sites

Jul 31, 2025: Last day of service

Note: this timeline is subject to change. Selected sites and members will be updated accordingly.

Part 2: Host Site Application Questions

We encourage you to prepare and save your responses in a separate document. You can view the application questions at the online application portal, or download them here

Applications are due in the online application portal by March 25, 2024: