
Complete this quick form if you’re interested in volunteering!
Our volunteers play important roles in several different aspects of our work, particularly our TPS clinics, citizenship services, voter registration drives, and communications and events. Click on the area you’re interested in scroll down for details and contact information.
Along with these opportunities, we gratefully accept volunteers who are willing to do behind-the-scenes work like data entry, record-keeping and other unglamorous but much-needed tasks. Or if you might be willing to staff a MIRA table at a community festival or event, we may soon set up a team to do that.
Please note that we are not a direct services organization; if you would like to help immigrants and refugees in a more personal way, please look at our list of members to find an opportunity that fits your interests, and contact them directly. Some have been swamped with volunteer requests in recent months, but many can still use your help.
Are a designer, illustrator, photographer or videographer?
We are always looking for talented artists to design flyers, posters, postcards, buttons and other materials for all our activities. If you’re a designer or illustrator and would like to be part of our team, we would love to have you! We also have a big need for photos and video from our different events and activities, and to make short videos to raise awareness of “Know Your Rights” and other issues.
Interested in helping immigrants become U.S. citizens?
Though our citizenship work continues remotely, we aren’t holding citizenship clinics for the foreseeable future. Learn more about our remote services here and check back for volunteer opportunities soon!
Questions? Please contact the Citizenship Team
Interested in registering new citizens to VOTE?
MIRA’s voter registration drives happen directly after naturalization ceremonies throughout the state of Massachusetts, often at Faneuil Hall or other landmarks in the Greater Boston Area. They are typically on Thursday afternoons, and volunteers are usually needed for about an hour (1:30–2:30 pm).
Volunteers fill out voter registration forms for newly sworn-in citizens, empowering them with the first rite of passage to becoming an active and engaged citizen. Registering new voters is fun and easy, and all materials—clipboards, forms, and pins—are provided. Volunteers are also encouraged to help with the data entry into the electronic Voter Activation Network that follows, putting new voters into the statewide database.
Please click the blue button at the top of the page to fill out our volunteer sign up form.