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Know Your Rights guidance for educators and service providers
Guidance for educators

Best Practices for K-12 Educators printable factsheet (MIRA 02.2025)

Recorded Presentation: Know Your Rights for K-12 Schools and Educators (MIRA 02.2025)

Massachusetts AGO guidance for K-12

State guidance for MA educators –

State guidance for MA educators – Dese

Emergency Response Guide for MA Educators of Immigrant-Origin Students

Massachusetts AGO guidance for Higher Education

Guidance for service providers

Massachusetts AGO guidance for service providers

Know Your Rights and Best Practices for Service Providers (Powerpoint Slides) (MIRA 01.2025)

Recorded Presentation: Know Your Rights for Service Providers (MIRA 01.2025)

Advocates’ Preparation Checklist / Lista de Preparativos para Defensores

Guidance for homeless shelter providers (Note: this is a national resource, not Massachusetts specific)

Guidance for food pantries

Additional guidance for service providers is available in this curated collection, as well as from Public Counsel and the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (Note: these are not Massachusetts specific)

Guidance for healthcare providers

Massachusetts AGO guidance for healthcare providers

Guidance from the National Immigration Law Center

 Guidance for faith based communities

Information on privacy protections in federal benefits programs

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