Upcoming Trainings


Know your Rights: February 11 1-3pm and February 12 10-11am

This training will cover basic Know Your Rights information, including rights in interactions with immigration enforcement, including when immigration comes to your home or stops you while driving, family preparedness, public charge, where to get legal help, and information on notario fraud and immigration scams.

February 11 at 2-3pm – register here

February 21 at 10-11am – register here


Konnen Dwa Ou (Know Your Rights Haitian Creole) – edi 27 fevriye a 2pm

Fòmasyon sa a pral kouvri enfòmasyon debaz Konnen Dwa Ou yo, enkli dwa nan entéraskyson ak ranfòsman imigrasyon, enkli lè imigrasyon vini lakay ou oswa lè w kanpe pandan w ap kondwi, preparasyon fanmi, chaj piblik, ki kote pou jwenn èd legal, ak enfòmasyon sou fwod notè ak frod imigrasyon.  enskri isit la



MIRA’s Winter Training Series (on the following dates from 1-2pm – attend one or attend all)

Thursday, February 13: ABCs of Immigration

Thursday, February 27: Immigration Policy Updates and the Work Ahead

Thursday, March 13: How You Can Be an Immigrant Advocate

Thursday, March 27: Rights, Resources and Benefits for Immigrants

More Details and Registration


Know your Rights For K-12 Schools & Educators: Friday February 14 9:30-11am

This training is intended for those working in Massachusetts K-12 schools, including teachers, counselors, administrators. It will cover basic Know Your Rights information, rights in interactions with immigration enforcement – including when immigration comes to your home or stops you while driving – family preparedness, public charge, and where to get legal help. We will also review recent guidance to K-12 schools issued by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and review best practices with regard to data sharing, responding to ICE presence or requests for information, and navigating conversations with immigrant students and their families.

Register Here


Train The Trainer: Know your Rights Workshops: Monday March 3 at 12pm

This training will be focused on best practices in sharing Know Your Rights information in your community. We will review the nuts and bolts of putting together a KYR presentation, models for delivering the information, and how to handle tough questions. Participants should watch the recorded Know Your Rights training on our website, as substantive information on KYR topics will be provided in that training that will not be covered in detail in the Train the Trainer session.

Register Here


To request a Know Your Rights in the Workplace for Employers and Employees training contact achavezandonie@miracoalition.org



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