Become a MIRA Monthly Sustainer!
MIRA Monthly Sustainers are long-term allies in the effort to make Massachusetts more equitable, inclusive and just for everyone. As a monthly sustainer, you provide critical flexibility to tackle emerging issues, as well as long-term strategic goals like progressive legislation and policies that protect our immigrant communities and ensure greater prosperity for all.
Your support is more critical than ever as we fight back against racism and anti-immigrant sentiments, and redefine the narrative about immigrants as contributors to our vibrant communities and economies.
Are you ready to stand with immigrants for the long haul? Join us by setting up a monthly donation of $10 or $200 to strengthen and employ all of MIRA’s empowering tools — legislative advocacy, grassroots organizing, strategic communications, education and integration efforts — to fight for systemic change for our foreign born neighbors.
To donate by check, please make it payable to “MIRA Coalition” and mail to:
MIRA Coalition
69 Canal Street 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02114
MIRA Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible. Our Federal Tax ID# is: 22-3115048.
Thank you in advance for your gift to MIRA!
Your support invigorates our mission of promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees, towards a vision of a Commonwealth – and a nation – where all can thrive, no matter where they came from or how they got here, and all can fully participate in their communities’ social, economic and civic life. Your monthly contribution helps us to provide direct legal and citizenship services to immigrants, as well as legislative advocacy, and grassroots organizing in partnership with our 140+ member organizations across Massachusetts.
If you are interested in becoming a sustainer but have questions, please contact .