MIRA Praises American Rescue Plan for Delivering Relief to Immigrant and Refugee Families

BOSTON – Eva Millona, President and CEO of the MIRA Coalition, today issued the following statement in response to the passage of the American Rescue Plan.

“The American Rescue Plan will deliver meaningful relief directly into the hands of families who need it most, including immigrant and refugee families. By providing additional stimulus checks, extending unemployment benefits, enhancing the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, expanding the Affordable Care Act, and providing additional state and local aid, the Rescue Plan will help families put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads during this unprecedented crisis.

“MIRA extends our gratitude to President Joe Biden, Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation, especially House Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal, for their unwavering support of this bill. We are also grateful to the Democratic Senators who rejected Senator Ted Cruz’s harmful amendment that would have denied stimulus relief to members of mixed-status families, including 47,000 U.S. citizen children and spouses in Massachusetts alone.

“Our work is far from complete. This bill leaves out more than nine million taxpayers who file taxes using ITINs. MIRA will continue working with our partners to advocate for truly inclusive stimulus relief, as well as a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million immigrants in the U.S. without legal status.”
