Press statement: MIRA Coalition Condemns President Trump’s Planned National Language Executive Order (with link to Portuguese and Haitian Creole translations)

For Immediate Release
February 28, 2025

Boston, MA – In response to President Trump’s planned executive order making English the
country’s national language and eliminating requirements that agencies and other recipients of
federal funds offer language assistance to non-English speakers, Elizabeth Sweet, Executive
Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition, issued the
following statement:
“Cutting language assistance for non-English language speakers is a shameful, harmful act that
will severely limit immigrant access to essential federal government resources. This would put
immigrants who rely on federal housing and healthcare programs and depend on language
assistance in an impossible position. President Trump’s latest executive order not only stokes
more hate and fear in immigrant communities but attempts to erase the vast array of
immigrant languages and cultures that make our nation so unique. Beacon Hill must take a
stand against this hateful action and pass the Language Access and Inclusion Act so non-English
speakers have expanded access to critical state resources in this crucial moment.”

Media Contact: Alex Psilakis |

MIRA Coalition Condena A Planejada Ordem Executiva Sobre Idioma Nacional do Presidente Trump (Portuguese translation)

Koalisyon MIRA Kondane Plan Dekrè Egzekitif Prezidan Trump Sou Lang Nasyonal (Haitian Creole Translation)