STATEMENT: Advocacy Groups Praise the Biden Administration for Protecting Access to Services for Immigrants

BOSTON – Representatives from the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), Health Care For All (HCFA), and Health Law Advocates (HLA) have come together to support the Biden Administration’s move to update the federal Public Charge rule, which will ensure that immigrants seeking green cards can access public benefits they are entitled to without fear of immigration consequences.

“The MIRA Coalition commends the Biden administration for sending a strong message, through the issuance of this new rule, that immigrant families can safely access the benefits to which they’re entitled,” said Jessica Chicco, Director of New Americans Initiatives at MIRA. “Removing barriers to access makes our communities healthier, stronger, and more resilient.”

“Health Care For All has long advocated for health justice in Massachusetts, and we hear every day on our HelpLine from individuals from all backgrounds who are looking to access necessary health care,” said Amy Rosenthal, Executive Director of Health Care For All. “This new rule will allow immigrants to access care without fear of repercussions and create a healthier and more unified community.”

“Health Law Advocates supports the Biden Administration’s effort to ensure that green card applicants and other immigrants can access public benefits without fear they will be affected negatively during the immigration process,” said Andrew Cohen, Director of the Access to Care and Coverage Practice at HLA. “The new regulation will improve safety and financial security in immigrant communities because more people will access the public assistance they need to survive and thrive.”

“Denying basic human needs is not aligned with the stated foundational values of our nation. We are very pleased with this decision and we will continue to fight with our partners to ensure that everyone has equal opportunity to thrive and succeed in the United States, consistent with the American dream that has inspired immigrants to grace our shores for centuries,” said Georgia Katsoulomitis, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute.

The coalition will continue to advocate for the rights of immigrants in the United States and is grateful for the Biden administration’s commitment to protecting the lives of immigrants in our communities.

Find an updated factsheet on the new rule here.

Media Contact:
Laura Giordano
Cell: 774-214-6410