STATEMENT: MIRA Coalition Celebrates Passage of Question 4


Boston, MA – In light of November 8, 2022, State Election, Elizabeth Sweet, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition issued the following statement:

“The MIRA Coalition is thrilled, but not surprised, that the people of Massachusetts have overwhelmingly voted Yes on 4 for Safer Roads. We are incredibly glad to see that the policy we have long supported – which will ensure that all drivers, regardless of immigration status, take the same road test, meet the same identification requirements, and follow the same rules of the road – will remain the law.

“The MIRA Coalition thanks House Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, and the many members of the state Legislature who voted in favor of the Work and Family Mobility Act, then spoke in support of it this campaign. Now, we can rest assured knowing that Massachusetts will become the 17th state to allow individuals to apply for a driver’s license regardless of immigration status.

“Finally, the MIRA Coalition wishes to congratulate Governor-Elect Healey, Lieutenant-Governor Driscoll, and Attorney General-Elect Campbell for their historic victories last night. Each candidate broke crucial glass ceilings, showing that the people of Massachusetts truly believe in progress and equality. We look forward to working with the three of them, and all newly-elected candidates, when they begin their tenure this January.”

MEDIA CONTACT: Alex Psilakis | (508) 641-9761