Democracy School was MIRA’s signature capacity-building program for organizers, offered as full- and half-day workshops in partnership with MIRA members across the Commonwealth.

Iman Ali, left, a 2019 Summer Organizing Fellow, leads a discussion at Democracy School Lowell.

The goal of Democracy School was to build organizers and advocates’ understanding of the systems we were trying to influence – from City Hall, to the Legislature, to the federal government – and provide training on organizing and capacity-building that could be applied in the field right away.

Whether you’re a young activist just getting started or a seasoned community organizer Democracy School offered a chance to build your skills, connect with organizers and advocates in your region, and make a bigger impact together.

In the past, MIRA has partnered with MVT, MassVOTE, APIS CAN, and our regional partners to provide a 3-hour virtual training focused on building a collaborative and data-driven voter education and mobilization field program during the election season in 6 regions across Massachusetts.