Ana Cristina Chavez Andonie

Corporate Engagement Specialist

Ana Cristina Chavez Andonie (she/her) joined MIRA as its first Corporate Engagement Specialist, with the goal of mobilizing the business community to serve as advocacy partners in support of immigrant and refugee rights and inclusion in Massachusetts. She brings over 5 years of experience in non-profit advocacy and relationship management.

Before joining MIRA, Ana Cristina was part of the Trafficking Survivors Assistance Project at Legal Aid Chicago, where she worked to empower survivors of human trafficking. She then piloted a program to engage the Mexican, Ecuadorian, and El Salvadorean Consulates and the U.S Department of Labor to increase aid capacity to survivors of labor trafficking. Prior to Legal Aid Chicago, she worked at the National Immigrant Justice Center as a paralegal, where her primary role was to conduct in-depth analysis to asylum claims from Latin American survivors of gender-based violence, gang-related threats, domestic abuse, and religious and political affiliations.

Born and raised in Mexico, Ana Cristina began her work in Arizona by splitting her time between the non-profit organization Andre House in Phoenix, and the human rights organization No More Deaths in the southwest border, in response to the increased number migrant fatalities in the desert.

Ana Cristina received her B.S in Behavioral Neuroscience from St. Edwards University in Austin, TX. Outside of work, she loves running next to all bodies of water, hiking in challenging terrain, and most importantly her dog, Lima.