Mariana Dutra
Mariana Dutra (she/her) is MIRA’s Organizing Director . She collaborates with the integration and organization of MIRA members to create change as one. Originally from Brazil, she came to the US as a student.
As a researcher, she investigated the theme of citizenship, its conceptions, and its applications. Before moving to Boston, she worked for more than ten years as a political organizer and project manager for non-governmental organizations and grassroots movements. She collaborated on projects about democracy, education, and social justice.
In the Boston region, she is a volunteer in political education actions for the Brazilian community at the Brazilian Women’s Group, and developed a project for the elaboration and dissemination of data and analysis on the Brazilian diaspora called “Instituto Diaspora Brasil.”
A sociologist from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Mariana also has a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO).