English and basic education classes for adults are offered at libraries, schools, nonprofits and other sites all across Massachusetts. Demand for these programs is so great that some sites have significant wait lists. To find a program near you, start with these two resources:
Find adult literacy and English classes at nearby libraries: This site, maintained by the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners, lets you search for libraries that offer adult basic education, GED and/or English classes for adults.
Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline: Call (800) 447-8844 to get information and referrals for adult learners and volunteers to 300+ adult education programs that offer one-on-one tutoring and small-group or classroom instruction to adult learners. The hotline also provides information about basic reading, math, adult basic education, English language training, family literacy and GED preparation classes as well as testing.
More helpful resources
Mass. Adult and Community Learning Services, a unit at the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, oversees and improves free basic educational services for adults. It funds a broad network of education providers/programs serving adults with academic skill levels below 12th grade, and/or adults who need to master English. These include local school systems, community-based agencies, community colleges, libraries, volunteer organizations, correctional facilities, as well as family literacy and workplace education programs. The website includes of directory of resources and programs.
The Boston Adult Literacy Initiative consists of Boston adult education providers which receive funding from the state and/or from the City of Boston to provide adult education services. These include basic literacy skills, distance learning, ESOL, GED, the adult diploma program, job skills, and transition to college.
English For New Bostonians is a strategic public-private-community partnership focused on meeting the needs of adults who need to learn English in Boston. ENB partners include philanthropic and corporate organizations, the ESOL community (community leaders, ESOL students, program graduates, ESOL teachers and other practitioners) and the City of Boston.
First Literacy, founded in 1988, mobilizes private funds and public awareness to meet the literacy needs of thousands of Greater Boston adults and families.
Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts trains volunteer tutors to provide free, confidential, and individualized tutoring to adults in basic reading and writing and English as a Second Language.
The Mass. Coalition for Adult Education (MCAE) is a statewide membership organization of educators, adult students, individuals, organizations, and businesses which support equal educational opportunities for adults. MCAE works for the best quality delivery of adult education instruction and the advancement of professionalism in the field.